The Traveler and His Dog by The Brothers Grimm

The Traveler and His Dog Fable

Aesop's Fables - Very Short Story

A TRAVELER about to set out on a journey saw his Dog stand at the door stretching himself. He asked him sharply: "Why do you stand there gaping? Everything is ready but you, so come with me instantly." The Dog, wagging his tail, replied: "O, master! I am quite ready; it is you for whom I am waiting."


The loiterer often blames delay on his more active friend

The Traveler and His Dog

What is a Fable? A Fable is a very short story with a Moral. It features a plant, animal, mythical creature or inanimate object which is brought to life in the story (anthropomorphised).  The moral is explained at the end of the fable.

Fables are described as succinct, brief, concise or very short stories with a moral.

The Traveler and His Dog
A Printer Friendly Free Fable!


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